Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week Two: Famous Last Words

This week I really enjoyed writing my story about the Ganga. I love personifying animals/things and I had a lot of fun describing how the Ganga was—quite literally—steaming mad! I am still doing well in my other courses, and adjusting reasonably well to having courses in full French! I am also looking into getting my certificate to teach English as a Foreign Language this summer—which will be an exciting, daunting task. I’ll continue doing research this week and hopefully find out next week whether or not I will be able to do this during the coming summer. Depending on cost, as well as time, I may or may not be able to go. My dad has offered to pay for some of the expenses, and possibly loan me the remaining portion needed, depending on exactly how much it would cost. (Interest-free, parent-provided loans=BEST LOAN EVER!) I’ll also be taking summer classes though, so it is important I ensure the two interests don’t conflict with one another. If I go, the course will be in New York City, which is awesome. I have only been in New York City once, when I missed my flight home from France and ended up having to transfer airports in the middle of the night, got screwed over by a private taxi (whom I’m thankful only charged me a hundred dollars for a ride, as opposed to kidnapping me), and then spent about seven hours waiting for my flight. So it will be cool to actually get to do a bit of sight-seeing while in New York, when I’m not obsessively studying for this course; I hear it is really intensive. Outside of school, I had a rough day. I am no longer tutoring. The father of the little boy I tutor doesn't really value education and thought the tutoring was a waste of time. He also didn't like me because I have an academic interest in Islam (I’m a religious studies major!) and he is a prejudiced person. So, unfortunately he overruled the mother who was very open-minded and pro-education, and decided not to continue having their son tutored. It’s their decision of course, but I do hope the son learns to value knowledge and be more open-minded than the father. Wish me luck in my search for a new job! Also, my older sister will be staying with me Wednesday and Thursday night, and my younger sister will be visiting me Saturday! I am looking forward to seeing them both! Ooh, and I am going to include a link to a Facebook event which is super relevant to this class. Please feel free to come, share the event among your friends/ FB groups, or even other classes! It is free and is sure to be an interesting discussion by a professor I have heard speak before; she is fascinating! Conversations with Dr. Nyla Khan

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a frustrating situation with the tutoring, Val: it is scary how many different ways prejudice can get in the way of good things in the world! I hope you will find another job to replace that one... but I feel bad for your student. I know he will miss you! And THANK YOU for this information about Nyla Khan's talk: that will be wonderful to include in the class announcements so I copied the information to share again when we get closer to the talk. If you know of any other talks or events that I can include in the announcements, just let me know! :-)
