Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week Nine: Famous Last Words

So it is the Sunday before class starts back again, and I am panicking. I have reading to do for my Jews and Other Germans class, we will be discussing the upcoming group presentations tomorrow in class, I have a presentation to give in French for my French Phonetics class tomorrow—I have not even began researching my topic, I have two reading assignments and a project due Wednesday for my Teaching Foreign Languages class, and in my French Film class I have to write a short report over the movie we watched. I am so stressed!
However, I did have a good time at home. My dad and stepmom were in Ireland for Saint Patrick’s Day, so I did not see them. I did get to see my stepmom’s mom, my younger brother and sister, my older sister and her fiancĂ©, and my mom and stepdad! My boyfriend and I took my little sister to Alabaster Caverns, which is about 40 minutes from where all of my parents live. It was a good trip! We went hiking and found the entrance to a water cave. We peaked inside and saw an old cot, which was a big surprise! It was really pretty and sunny outside, too. Going into the cave was a bit of a shock because it was so cold. We got a lot of cool pictures of the rocks and even some of the bats.
Everybody also got together for a bar-be-que which was a lot of fun. My boyfriend cooked Korean ribs and chicken stuffed with cheese and my stepmom’s mom cooked corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, and brownies! It was a really good meal and we had a lot of fun with everybody together. Our last night there, my boyfriend and I took my younger siblings bowling so we could get some time away from the crowd with them. They are ten and sixteen, which seems young but they are both growing up so much! They used to fight constantly but in the last year they have really bonded and grown to care about each other more. They are a lot easier to be around when they aren’t bickering constantly!

(Personal photo of myself and my younger sister, outside the entrance to a water cave at Alabaster Caverns State Park)


  1. Spring break flew by! I had a to do list of things that I wanted to get done over break and I did not complete the majority of the things on my list! So I am in the same boat, it will be a busy Sunday night for me! I am glad that you had a good break. It sounds like you had a great time exploring! Good luck completing all your work!

  2. Hey Val, Spring break came back to fast I know. We are already a week out from spring break at the time that i am writing this. I am glad that your spring break was good and I hope that everything went okay with your classes this week.

    BTW: not sure if you know, but your background on your text is highlighted white, and your words are gray!.
